Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Consumer Confidence and the Lawyer in President Obama

It is an absolute delight to have a president who keeps his cool under pressure, gives excellent speeches that captivate the audience, young and old, male and female, and who makes tough decisions that produce results such as capturing Bin Laden, or achieving difficult compromises with opponents. However, after a few years in office, President Obama has to put the lawyer in him on hold and govern as a president and not a lawyer. Every time the president has given a speech or an interview it sounds like he has to establish a disclosure and protection clause. Year one or two in a presidency it is acceptable to blame the other party, to let the people know that there is a long way to go; that there is a lot to do and so forth. But, after almost three years in office, the President has to inform us about all the positive achievements made, and that we have crossed at least halfway through the problems and there is a little less left to do for prosperous years to come.  Just by omitting the word looooooooooong from the long way to go, he will instill great confidence that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and improve consumer confidence. People have run out of patience and money and they will eventually run out of hope that this President is making any progress, even if there are signs indicating the existence of progress.

This leads to my political wish that the President stands tall, acknowledges achievements, talks more confidently that things are not as dire as they seem, and will definitely get better without much emphasis on how much moooooooooooore there is to accomplish.  A confident President instills confidence and makes the people march like the soldier who has confidence in his general that the war they are fighting will be won. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Yes, we’re getting it; the entire country is getting it Mrs. Bachmann. What’s next; A spell on the country?

Presidential candidate Michele Backmann proudly assumed the role of God’s Speaker and announced that the Earthquake and the Hurricane in the East Coast was the act of God. God made them happen so that Washington gets it, and that a change is needed. She also assumed, of course, that the change needed is for her to become the next President. I have a problem with that and it is not for political reasons or inclinations. It is for religious reasons. If I were to accept her assumption it would leave the impression that God is pretty careless in his actions, He either doesn’t calculate the consequences of extreme collateral damages on the neighboring states on the East Coast, or that God does not give a damn about anything but to help Michele Bachmann to become the next President. I think there is a third alternative, I think all of us must know what it says about her, and if we still haven’t gotten that, that means we are as (Whatever you want to call it) as she is, or worse.
My political wish at this juncture is for our politicians to keep God out of the elections. I don’t think God is either a Democrat or a Republican. Our founding fathers figured it out couple hundred years ago and came to the conclusion that God is neutral, that religion is between a person and his God, and that the nation is better served when religion (church) and state are kept separate from government. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Just when I thought Politicians have no place lower to stoop to, Governor Perry, The Texas Governor who is also a potential candidate for the 2012 presidential elections, came up with a brilliant idea to
prove me wrong.  As if the debt limit debacle that caused our Country’s first Credit downgrade by our
dear Congress was not enough, Governor Perry accused our Federal Reserve Chairman, Chairman
Bernanke, with treason and challenged him for a duel at the Texas Corral.

The year being 2011 and not 1881, I was expecting, or at least hoping, that the Governor was keeping
pace with civility and progress especially since he is aspiring to lead this great Nation. My Political Wish
in this instance is that our leaders think before they say something, be civil and not act like 19th
century cowboys. In the age of space shuttles and cruise missiles it is no longer cowboys and Indians.
That era has passed.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Ostrich Play

After playing chicken for over a month, costing the world trillions of dollars due to the uncertainty they created, and managing to cause the first downgrade of the country, the White House and Congress conveniently decided to adopt the ostrich game and leave Washington thinking that by hiding their heads in the sand, the problems would solve themselves and they will be able to claim victory.

The author wishes that our leaders act as the tigers and lions they presented themselves to the public during elections, and defend this country and her interests against any predators instead of playing chicken and acting as ostriches.