Sunday, August 28, 2011


Just when I thought Politicians have no place lower to stoop to, Governor Perry, The Texas Governor who is also a potential candidate for the 2012 presidential elections, came up with a brilliant idea to
prove me wrong.  As if the debt limit debacle that caused our Country’s first Credit downgrade by our
dear Congress was not enough, Governor Perry accused our Federal Reserve Chairman, Chairman
Bernanke, with treason and challenged him for a duel at the Texas Corral.

The year being 2011 and not 1881, I was expecting, or at least hoping, that the Governor was keeping
pace with civility and progress especially since he is aspiring to lead this great Nation. My Political Wish
in this instance is that our leaders think before they say something, be civil and not act like 19th
century cowboys. In the age of space shuttles and cruise missiles it is no longer cowboys and Indians.
That era has passed.

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