Monday, August 29, 2011

Yes, we’re getting it; the entire country is getting it Mrs. Bachmann. What’s next; A spell on the country?

Presidential candidate Michele Backmann proudly assumed the role of God’s Speaker and announced that the Earthquake and the Hurricane in the East Coast was the act of God. God made them happen so that Washington gets it, and that a change is needed. She also assumed, of course, that the change needed is for her to become the next President. I have a problem with that and it is not for political reasons or inclinations. It is for religious reasons. If I were to accept her assumption it would leave the impression that God is pretty careless in his actions, He either doesn’t calculate the consequences of extreme collateral damages on the neighboring states on the East Coast, or that God does not give a damn about anything but to help Michele Bachmann to become the next President. I think there is a third alternative, I think all of us must know what it says about her, and if we still haven’t gotten that, that means we are as (Whatever you want to call it) as she is, or worse.
My political wish at this juncture is for our politicians to keep God out of the elections. I don’t think God is either a Democrat or a Republican. Our founding fathers figured it out couple hundred years ago and came to the conclusion that God is neutral, that religion is between a person and his God, and that the nation is better served when religion (church) and state are kept separate from government. 

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