Saturday, October 12, 2024

Here's my definition of a true macho man. What is yours?

Here's my definition of a true macho man. What is yours? A true man treats his woman's body like a delicate rose and as valuable as a precious stone. A real man appreciates and values his girlfriend, recognizing her worth and treating her with the highest respect. A true man stands up for his girlfriend, protecting her from harm or disrespect. A real man helps his girlfriend. A real man adores his girlfriend. These actions not only have no negative impact on a man's manhood but also enhance it, making him a better, more complete man. A real guy does not treat his girlfriend as an object, order her around, or belittle her. Instead, he values her as an equal partner in their relationship. Marc Boyajian author of "The Immigrant" #books #americandream #America #men #theimmigrant #women #man #woman #everyone #reader #book #immigrant #reading #bookworm #bookish #booktoker #bookclub #writer #immigration #immigrants @ followers @highlight #vote #votingrights #voterregistration #Vote2024 #votenow #VoteYourConscience #VoteYourValues #voteyourvoice #VoteSmart #sharethispost #like #share #radicalism #religion #terrorism #videoproduction

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