Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Consider this: Whose life is truly valued in our society?

Consider this: Whose life is truly valued in our society? Do our leaders genuinely prioritize every life, or is it just empty rhetoric? Is the life of a Palestinian child regarded as highly as that of an Israeli child or vice versa? Is there equal regard for black lives compared to white, yellow, brown, or red lives? If a family member is involved in terrorism, does that association automatically make you complicit in their actions? Do all siblings from the same parents behave, think, act, or even want the same things in life, and should the same parents love one child more? https://Vote.gov Marc Boyajian https://tinyurl.com/2xuwmw2u #books #americandream #America #men #theimmigrant #women #man #woman #everyone #reader #book #immigrant #reading #bookworm #bookish #booktoker #bookclub #writer #immigration #immigrants @ followers @highlight #vote #votingrights #voterregistration #Vote2024 #votenow #VoteYourConscience #VoteYourValues #voteyourvoice #VoteSmart #sharethispost #like #share #radicalism #religion #terrorism #videoproduction #actor #filmproduction #directorofphotography #filmmaker #filmmakers #video #movies #production #film #behindthescenes #filmmaking #cinematic #videography #filmphotography #cinema #films #cinematographer #director #producer #indiefilm #filmcrew #photography #setlife #filmdirector #cinematography #filming #bhfyp #movie #shortfilm

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