Sunday, September 8, 2024

Leaders frequently propagate untruths, such as promising economic prosperity for all or ensuring justice for the oppressed, that no leader, nation, or legal system can guarantee.

Leaders frequently propagate untruths, such as promising economic prosperity for all or ensuring justice for the oppressed, that no leader, nation, or legal system can guarantee. We are all created equal. Yet, the stark reality is that some are discriminated against, while others are treated as if they are entitled. Some suffer from gluttony, while others from starvation. This is not a matter of choice, but a call for urgent societal change. A change that can bring hope for a more equal future, a future we all have a responsibility to build. Isn't it appalling how those with significant wealth can prolong their legal cases, appeal them, and take them all the way to the Supreme Court, while the average person with limited resources sees their cases handled much more swiftly? Judgments are often rendered, and sentences are ordered within days, weeks, or months. The speed and efficiency of the legal system starkly contrast depending on one's financial standing, a clear injustice that demands reform. We claim to strive for a balance of power in the Middle East. Yet, we supply the most modern weapons to the most powerful country in the region and do not provide a way to get food to the poorest in the region. This stark contrast in access to resources should not just evoke a sense of empathy, but also a call to action for all of us.
Marc Boyajian, author of 'The Immigrant,' #books #americandream #America #men #theimmigrant #women #man #woman #everyone #reader #book #immigrant #reading #bookworm #bookish #booktoker #bookclub #writer #immigration #immigrants @followers @highlight #sharethispost #like #share

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