Friday, September 27, 2024

Our individual choices can have a significant impact. Please consider the consequences of supporting unethical individuals.

Defending a liar is one thing, but when you start repeating the lies of a liar, you're not just defending; you're contributing to the perpetuation of deceit. Your role in preventing this is crucial. Defending a fraudster is one thing, but when you entrust one as your accountant, you're not just defending; you're potentially inviting a financial disaster. It's important to be cautious and aware of the potential consequences. Defending a murderer is one thing; helping a murderer kill someone is another. Defending a sexual harasser is one thing; hiring a sexual harasser as a guardian for your daughter is another. Defending a con artist is one thing; falling into the con artist's con is another. Defending a stupid person is one thing; repeating the silly stuff they utter is another. Our individual choices can have a significant impact. Please consider the consequences of supporting unethical individuals. I urge you to critically evaluate your choices and avoid supporting those who engage in deceit, fraud, or harm. Marc Boyajian #books #americandream #America #men #theimmigrant #women #man #woman #everyone #reader #book #immigrant #reading #bookworm #bookish #booktoker #bookclub #writer #immigration #immigrants @ followers @highlight #vote #votingrights #voterregistration #Vote2024 #votenow #VoteYourConscience #VoteYourValues #voteyourvoice #VoteSmart #sharethispost #like #share #radicalism #religion #terrorism #videoproduction #actor #filmproduction #directorofphotography #filmmaker #filmmakers #video #movies #production #film #behindthescenes #filmmaking #cinematic #videography #filmphotography #cinema #films #cinematographer #director #producer #indiefilm #filmcrew #photography #setlife #filmdirector #cinematography #filming #bhfyp #movie #shortfilm

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