Friday, September 27, 2024

Crapping on your plate is never a brilliant idea. It's crucial to remember that defaming your country is never a wise choice.

Crapping on your plate is never a brilliant idea. It's crucial to remember that defaming your country is never a wise choice. Therefore, for those individuals in the United States who persistently express their grievances, it's necessary to acknowledge and address these legitimate concerns. Nevertheless, I urge you to recognize the privileges and opportunities that America provides, not as a tourist in other nations, spending American currency, but as someone striving to earn a livelihood and relishing the freedoms, rights, and entitlements you perceive as your due. Once you reach this point, you have the right to critique and lament the offerings of America. Despite numerous Americans lamenting their lives in the United States, it's essential to remember that many people worldwide are willing to put their lives on the line to attain it. They do so for the opportunities many have already seized, often without the sacrifices others are prepared to make. This should serve as a reminder for us to be more grateful for what we have. Marc Boyajian #books #americandream #America #men #theimmigrant #women #man #woman #everyone #reader #book #immigrant #reading #bookworm #bookish #booktoker #bookclub #writer #immigration #immigrants @ followers @highlight #vote #votingrights #voterregistration #Vote2024 #votenow #VoteYourConscience #VoteYourValues #voteyourvoice #VoteSmart #sharethispost #like #share #radicalism #religion #terrorism #videoproduction #actor #filmproduction #directorofphotography #filmmaker #filmmakers #video #movies #production #film #behindthescenes #filmmaking #cinematic #videography #filmphotography #cinema #films #cinematographer #director #producer #indiefilm #filmcrew #photography #setlife #filmdirector #cinematography #filming #bhfyp #movie #shortfilm

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